​This game-changing treatment reduces excess skin, lifts, and tightens the face and body without invasive, expensive facelift, necklift, and bodylift cosmetic surgery with lasting results.
Also referred to as the Plasma Lift or Fibroblast Skin Tightening, this procedure works by using a device with an electrical charge to shrink the skin without actually touching the skin. The Plasma Pen by Plasma Concepts is FDA-approved to naturally improve fine lines, deeper wrinkles, and sagging skin on the face, neck, and body.

Plasma Pen for Skin Tightening and Repair
The scaffolding of a building over time will begin to weaken and rust, lose its flexibility and strength and become unable to bear the load it was originally designed to support. It will eventually buckle, sag and collapse. This is similar to what occurs in our skin.
As we age our dermal layer thins and the production of collagen molecules slows down dramatically and this leads to a deflationary effect on the surface of our skin causing us to get lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. As the scaffolding of our skin deteriorates it loses laxity and texture and the elastin that underpins our skin’s elasticity begins to wear out, deform, and ‘slide’ over the collagen fibrils. This prevents them from maintaining a solid structure.
What are Fibroblasts?
Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in the body and they are the only cells that can make Type III collagen. Type III collagen synthesizes alongside tougher Type I collagen over a period of about 3 months. Type I and Type III collagen is what helps provide the strength in our skin’s dense connective tissues and it is famed for minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and micro-furrows, as well as improving the elasticity, suppleness, and hydration of our skin.
Most fibroblasts are inactive and are actually called fibrocytes. Fibrocytes will rarely undergo cell division and will not produce collagen unless they are specifically re-activated by a wound healing process or inflammatory response. We do precisely that with Plasma Pen.
The Plasma Skin Tightening Treatment Healing Process
1-12 WEEKS
3-7 DAYS
“Neoepithelialisation” (the formation of new epithelial tissue) becomes visible as tiny carbon crusts which flake off within the framework of aftercare. This occurs rapidly after a Plasma Pen treatment and is usually complete 3 to 7 days post-procedure. These carbon crusts serve as a natural and protective biological dressing and will flake off naturally as the newly formed and rejuvenated “neoepidermis” appears.
Our nitrogen plasma treatment initiates a comprehensive healing response over the coming 12 weeks. This healing process is best characterized by extensive dermal remodeling that includes neocollagenesis, neoelastogenesis, cross-linking between the collagen and elastin fibrils and the reversal of elastotic change (the premature degeneration of dermal elastic tissue). The inflammatory response which occurs during the healing process we stimulate also activates “M2 Macrophages”. These are white blood cells that engulf and digest cellular debris and decrease the inflammation we cause. We also stimulate the migration of “basal keratinocytes” from the basal layer of the skin to the surface and they help fill in the gaps created by the micro-trauma we create.
Many other exciting things happen including “neovascularisation” which is the formation of new blood vessels and the release of growth factors. These growth factors include “cytokines” – small proteins important in cell signaling that help modulate our immune response, our cell aging and the repair and growth of new cells.
The treated area is visibly smoother, the skin is plump and rejuvenated. Any acne scarring is smoothed and
more polished looking. Fine lines
and deeper lines are ironed out.